Download PirateBrowser - The Anti-Censorship Web Browser By Pirate Bay
The Pirate Bay has always been a pioneer to internet freedom. Earlier the largest torrent site which was constantly in news and always under treat of getting into legal trouble, this company landed into a new world of freedom in August 2013 by launching its anti-censorship web browser - PirateBrowser.
[Also read: How To Download From Torrent Sites]

PirateBrowser is seriously meant to provide internet users the freedom from national censorship by letting its users browse and download anything they want. PirateBrowser is based on Tor network and uses Firefox portable browser base to create a stable web browser which can unblock any website censored by the agencies. According to the official PirateBrowser site:
"PirateBrowser is a bundle package of the Tor client (Vidalia), FireFox Portable browser (with foxyproxy addon) and some custom configs that allows you to circumvent censorship that certain countries such as Iran, North Korea, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Italy and Ireland impose onto their citizens." -

This month PirateBrowser has reached a milestone of 5 million downloads. Also the company has given statements about future updates on the browser which means there is more to come.
While PirateBrowser does NOT provide anonymity to its users as expected from its Tor base, the main difference between Mozilla Firefox and PirateBrowser is that using the latter you can unblock almost any website censored or blocked by your network administrator, the government or any agencies.
Downloading & Getting Started With PirateBrowser
1. Downloading Piratebay:
PirateBrowser can be download from any of the three methods which are:
1. Torrent File
2. Magnet Link
3. Direct Download.
1. Torrent File
2. Magnet Link
3. Direct Download.
All the three download options can be found on the PirateBrowser site here.
2. Installing & Using PirateBrowser:
Using PirateBrowser is very simple. All you need to do is run the auto-extractor and give it the required path where you want to save the contents.

Next, open the extracted contents folder and run 'Start PirateBrowser' every time you want to start PirateBrowser. Yes it does not install anything on your PC, you have to run the program that's it. No installation.
What's next?
Expect a few updates from Pirate Bay on their browser features, maybe anonymity can be one of them in the near future. Till then, just use PirateBrowser as the anti-censorship weapon and unblock whatever you wish!
[Also read: 3 Simple Methods To Unblock Websites]
Note: Again, do not unblock any illegal content, that's my humble request. There are many sites that are not illegal and yet they are banned. Feel free to use PirateBrowser to unblock and access them, but stay away from illegal things.
And do comment your thoughts about censorship and PirateBrowser below! Visit again for more tech news and tutorials.